Montana Women Writers

ISBN-13: 978-1560374053
Date of Publication: October 30, 2006
Pages: 395
Publisher: Farcountry Press
Book Description
Montana Women Writers: A Geography of the Heart, Edited by Caroline Patterson with an introduction by Sue Hart.
Outrages, awe, disillusionment, loneliness, fear, joy acceptance, and love—these are the responses to the West portrayed in this collection of more than 200 years of Montana women writers. Let these thirty-nine women tell you their stories. Organized into sections reflecting the geography of the state (plains, mountains, towns), the anthology features a variety of women's voices, experiences, and sensibilities. Read of Mary MacLane's outraged portrayal of Butte at the turn of the twentieth century. Learn of Cyra McFadden's free-wheeling life on the rodeo circuit with her well-known rodeo announcer father, Cy Taillon, in an excerpt from Rain or Shine. Witness Maile Meloy's story of the fragile, and deteriorating relationship of a couple as they travel in a snow storm through Garrison Junction. Listen to the fierce blizzard—and the description than ensues—that whips through Judy Blunt's essay about growing up in Montana.
"The words of these women from different generations, different parts of the state, and difference life experiences, all tell a part of the Montana story," writes Sue Hart in her introduction. "This is a women's West, not just a geographical location on a map, but a spot in the hearts and minds of both writers and readers." Reproduced in the cover is a painting, On the Window Seat, which is the work of another Montana artist-painter Fra Dana.
"Montana Women Writers: A Geography of the Heart reveals a territory that's utterly compelling, the insightful and splendidly said work of thirty-nine women writers from Montana. What a wonderful collection, page after page—a handsome, open-hearted gift. This ought to be a Montana and western and national bedside book for years to come. Please Caroline Patterson for putting it together."
—William Kittredge, author of Owning It All; editor of The Last Best Place: A Montana Anthology.